Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Shrinking Sikes Lake Leaves Geese Nowhere To Float

This morning my bike decided to take me back to Sikes Lake for a few rolls around the lake. 

Sikes Lake is rapidly shrinking due to the lack of rain. The geese seem stressed by this nightmare, not knowing what to do. That flock you see above the handlebars is not floating on water. It is too shallow for that. They are just sitting in the water.

Years ago Sikes Lake was dredged. The product of that dredging was hauled to Lake Wichita Park, where it was dumped in a big pile which eventually solidified, creating the local landmark known as Mount Wichita. Well, known by me as Mount Wichita. I've heard others call it Murphy's Hill.

Methinks it may be time to dredge Sikes Lake again and haul that which is dredged to Lake Wichita Park making another mountain next to Mount Wichita. This would then become known as the Twin Peaks of Wichita Falls...

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