Saturday, October 2, 2021

Spencer Jack Takes Jason To An End Of Interstate 5 Mystery

The three images you see here arrived in my email a couple days ago, sent by my Favorite Nephew Jason.

The text in the first email, which included the first image was...

"This reminded me to send you some pictures…now I must go find them."

Well, this seems to be a screen cap from Jeopardy. With the correct answer being "What is Washington?"

That is one weirdly worded Jeopardy clue. Makes it sound like one end of I-5 is in a salmon canning center in Blaine. Blaine is the last town in America, heading north on I-5, before reaching Canada.

Now on to the second email, which includes the pictures Jeopardy reminded Jason to send me. The text which accompanied two pictures...

"Call me sometime for an explanation of these border pictures. This is an X-rated story."

Okay, let's take a look at the two border pictures and see if we can see anything X-rated...

Okay, above Jason and Spencer Jack are on the U.S. side of the border, with the Peace Arch behind them. The American side of the Peace Arch says "Children of a Common Mother". I see nothing remotely X-rated.

Let's look at the next picture.

Now Spencer Jack has crossed into Canada and is on the north side of the Peace Arch. The message on the Canadian side of the Peace Arch is "Brethren Dwelling Together In Unity."

Again I see nothing remotely X-rated.

I can not remember when last I was in Blaine and at Peace Arch Park. I was close in August of 2017 when I was at Birch Bay and Lynden, just a few miles south of the border.

When Spencer Jack's grandpa and I were a little younger than he is we thought it was great fun to be at Peach Arch Park and go back and forth across the border and then later brag about how many times we went to Canada that day.

Years later I was at another border absurdity. Four corners, where Colorado, Utah, New Mexico and Arizona's borders meet. There is a monument at this location, with tourists stopping to take photos of being in four states at once, which involved putting one foot in one state, another foot in another state, a hand in another state and the other hand in another state.

I did not stop to take a picture. Although, thinking back on it, it might have been amusing to take some pictures of people contorting themselves like a game of Twister, in order to be in four states at once.

When I get the answer to the X-rated mystery I will let you know...

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