Friday, October 1, 2021

Finding Hotpepper Stats Picking Wigs Biking To Neon Green Sikes Lake

Well, this first day of the 2021 version of October is going well.

It began with an urgent text message from Elsie Hotpepper who was in a panic because she could not see her visitor statistics. I can't imagine getting so many visitors that I felt compelled to keep track of them. I may not be sufficiently concerned about monitoring who visits me. I was able to fix the Hotpepper's visitor statistics problem.

Then an hour or so later I found myself being consulted by a young lady as to which was the best look, the wigged one or the natural one? Photos accompanied the question. I could not tell which of the two was the wigged one, so simply went with the one that looked best to my sartorially skilled eyes, and chose the option on the right. Soon I was to learn I had opted for the wigged option. As apparently had dozens of others who had been consulted.

Some time after looking at wigs I took off on a bike ride, eventually reaching Sikes Lake. On the western bridge across Sikes Lake I stopped for a hydration break. I looked down to see the algae in the lake had turned an un-natural shade of almost neon green.

Just like my bike.

No rain downpoured on me today. And the last two days of a little rain has done nothing to help the water level in Sikes Lake, or Holliday Creek. 

I finished the bike ride a bit past noon. I entered my abode and soon the phone was making its incoming call noise. I saw the Elsie Hotpepper avatar. Oh oh, I thought, she must be freaking out now that she sees who is visiting her. I answered the phone, asking, what the hell do you want? Elsie likes it when I curse like a drunken sailor on shore leave.

Well, the answer had nothing to do with that which I feared it was about. I can not talk about what the subject was. I have been sworn to secrecy. 

I start this new month with the goal of finally losing the three pounds I have been trying to lose for seven years. I hope to realize this goal by the time November arrives...

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