Thursday, September 30, 2021

Hiking Wichita Bluff Nature Area With Rain Drops

Under what appeared to be a threatening sky I drove to the west parking lot at the west entry to the Wichita Bluff Nature Area, at about an hour before noon, long before the predicted arrival of rain and thunder.

Yesterday when I blogged about hiking the Lucy Park jungle comments were made along the line that the commenters did not realize it was so green in Texas.

So, I thought today whilst hiking in the Natural Area I would photo document some more greenery.

Now, I must point out, the majority of Texas is not green, it is more a pleasant shade of brown, but if you added up all the square miles that are green the total square mileage would like be bigger than the entire are of my old home state, Washington, nicknamed the Evergreen State. 

So, let's continue with our hike through the Wichita Bluff Nature Area.

Some insist on calling the above natural formation a cairn. I prefer hoohoo. This hoodoo looks quite delicate. I don't think it will survive a strong wind.

The Circle Trail is the main trail which trails through the Wichita Bluff Nature Area. There are multiple side trails off the main trail, all with benches at the end of the side trail.  Or two benches such as you see above.

Getting towards the east end of the Wichita Bluff Nature Area we come to the side trail you see above, leading to a covered picnic area, along with a view of the Wichita River below.

In the above we are on another side trail, looking north at a bench on another side trail. Can you find the bench hidden by the tall prairie grass?

The above is looking at a low point in the Nature Area, with a bridge going over a creek which is currently dry. You may be able to make out the Wichita Bluff Nature Area's other covered area. This one is more of a pavilion. I have seen wedding taking place at that location.

In the above I am near the end of today's hike. The trail goes up a slope, turning to the left. Partway up this slope big drops of rain being to paint polka dots on the pavement. I was about 200 feet from my vehicle when the frequency of the big drops increased to being in downpour mode. By the time I shut the door of my vehicular rain shield I was soaking wet. That makes it two days in a row this has happened, which I mentioned in a blogging earlier today.

Above we are looking out the rain soaked windshield at the Wichita Bluff Nature Area sign we saw at the top. I did not realize when I took this photo that it was also a selfie.

I don't think I will be doing any afternoon bike riding today. I'm already hearing thunder booming.

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