Monday, October 25, 2021

Wichita River Circle Trail Walk To New Hoodoo

On this final Monday of the 2021 version of October I took myself on a walk along the Wichita River, starting at the parking lot at the east entry to the Wichita Bluff Nature Area. But, instead of walking to the Nature Area I walked east to the current end of the Circle Trail. 

When one walks east at this location one soon goes under the Loop 11 bridge over the Wichita River. To my eyes the underpinning of this bridge looks a little wonky.

Wichita Falls must rank near the top of any ranking of number of benches per capita of all the towns in America. Yet I seldom see someone sitting on one of these benches. The benches are comfortable. And they swing.

I think I have made mention of late regarding it seeming bizarre that I find what I call Hoodoos at two locations which I frequent. I have suggested that there must be other instances of this phenomenon at locations I do not frequent.

Well, this pair of dwarf Hoodoos showed up near the current end of the Circle Trail. Usually these rock formations show up where there are a lot of rocks. Not at locations such as above.

Speaking of the Circle Trail.

This new section was supposed to connect to the Circle Trail in Lucy Park. I have not learned why the construction halted prior to reaching the goal.

If the Circle Trail ever gets completed, I will be able to roll from my abode the short distance to the Circle Trail, and then roll 26 some miles, making a big circle around the perimeter of the town.

It has been a few years since I have rolled as many as 26 miles in one bike ride...

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