Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Brown Vs. Topeka While Battle Vs. Wichita Falls With Both Winning

I think I have made mention of that which you see above, previously. A Texas Historical Commission Marker telling the history of Midwestern University Desegregation.

I do not know when or why Midwestern University added "State" as its middle name. I do know that desegregation worked due to seeing a lot of African-Americans on the MSU campus.

This Historical Marker is located a short distance south of the one and only fountain on the MSU campus. I rolled by this location today. Additional signage has been installed, of the temporary sort. Apparently it is MSU Homecoming Week.

The interesting tale told on this Historical Marker...

In 1948, Emzy Downing and James O. Chandler, both graduates from the African American High School in Wichita Falls, Booker T. Washington High School, applied for admission to Hardin Junior College, a division of Midwestern University. The Board of Trustees denied their admission. In 1950, with encouragement from local NAACP leader, Professor C.E. Jackson, Willie Faye Battle, an honor graduate, applied by mail for admission to the two-year nursing school at Hardin Junior College. She was accepted, but when she and Professor Jackson went to the school to complete the application process, she was denied admission. Subsequently she was accepted to Prairie View A & M University.

In the Fall of 1951, Ms. Battle along with Maryland Virginia Menefee, Helen Muriel Davis, Golden E. Mitchell White, Carl Lawrence McBride and Wilma Jean Norris were encouraged to apply in person. Each applicant received rejection letters in the mail. Following this incident, a meeting was held between the University Board of Trustees and Representatives of the Texas State Council at Booker T. Washington High School. Alternative solutions were discussed such as a college at Booker T. Washington High School or Midwestern paying the tuition for African American students to attend African American colleges. These alternatives were rejected and a suit was filed in United States District Court, the first of its type. Initially Battle, Et Al v. Wichita Falls Junior College Dist., Et Al was decided in favor of the students. But, with appeals and injunctions, the final decision came through the Supreme Court in 1954, following the Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka ruling. The first African American students were enrolled in the Summer of 1954.

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