Wednesday, October 27, 2021

After Last Night's Deluge A Cold Windy Lucy Park Walk With Flying Acorns

Last night rain poured down in downpour mode, doing so in copious amounts.

Thunder did some rumbling whilst the rain poured down.

By the time the sun arrived to do its daily illumination duty rain was no longer falling.

However the amount of rain which had poured down managed to make a lake blocking my regular route to where my motorized motion device is kept under cover.

So, I took the alternate route to where that motion device is parked and then managed to drive to Lucy Park for an extremely windy, extremely cold communing with nature.

The outer world was chilled to 61 degrees, with the brisk wind making it feel much colder. Wind was gusting to blows around 35 mph. This resulted in the occasional pummeling from acorns being blown out of their host trees.

As you can see via the photo evidence above, I am getting much better at taking a selfie. Due to it being cloudy I was able to see the screen to take the photo in what is known as the patented Elsie Hotpepper style.

In the selfie I am on the suspension bridge over the Wichita River.

Due to the copious amount of rain at my home location I thought the Wichita River might be in flood mode. When that happens much of Lucy Park goes underwater. But, as you can see the river today is running a bit higher than the norm, but nowhere near flooding. In the above photo we are in the middle of the suspension bridge, looking south.

One of the many paved trails winding through the Lucy Park trees. Lucy Park has a wide variety of trees. I think my favorite are the Cypress.

Directional signage was added awhile back, pointing people to the Falls. I recollect on my first visit to Lucy Park having to ask how to get to the Falls. And since then more than once I have found myself being asked where the Falls are.

I was way underdressed for today's commune with nature. It always takes me awhile to adjust to the arrival of frigid air.

Tomorrow is scheduled to also be cold. And windy. I do not foresee a bike ride happening tomorrow...

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