Thursday, October 28, 2021

Windblown Gusty Walk To Circle Trail's End With Fly Hats

With the outer world temperature barely into the 60s, with a steady breeze blowing at 30 mph, with gusts predicted to be blowing as high as 46 mph, I layered on the outerwear and drove to the east parking lot access to the Wichita Bluff Nature Area to walk in the direction opposite the Nature Area, to head east to the current termination point of the Circle Trail.

By the current point in time the new section of Circle Trail was supposed to be connected to Lucy Park and Mile One of the Circle Trail.

That is Trail's end you see above.

I do recollect, when it was announced that this section of Circle Trail was given the go ahead, that the funding was a bit short, so the last 1,000 feet were not going to be paved, would be gravel instead, awaiting the funding for future pavement.

As for today's gusting. The steady gale was easy to deal with. But at one point a gust gusted gustily, faster, it seemed, than the predicted 46 mph. During the gust my hat blew off, flying about 100 feet before getting stuck on a bush. I retrieved the hat, re-installed it, and secured it by flipping the hoodie of the sweatshirt I was wearing on top of the no longer airborne hat.

The 10 day forecast for my location looks like we are heading towards a few stormy days and nights. I don't like it when Mother Nature gets herself riled up...

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