Saturday, October 23, 2021

Blowing Saturday Smoke Up the Lucy Park Japanese Pagoda

Lucy Park was the destination today for communing with nature on this 4th Saturday of the 2021 version of October.

This 4th Saturday of October is being a HOT one. The A/C is back running again, after a multi-day rest.

Meanwhile out west and up north the Pacific coast is bracing for a Bomb Cyclone, which is expected to blow wind at a hurricane level whilst dropping water like a river from the sky.

I have heard from a few Washingtonians today. All are saying they are ready for what is coming. Hatches are all battened. Back up lighting ready.

I am getting real good at taking a selfie photo, don't you think?

Behind me that is the Lucy Park Japanese Pagoda.

Today the Pagoda appeared to be blowing smoke out its top.

I have made mention of the Lucy Park Pagoda before, asking if anyone knows the story behind its existence. I have not received an answer.

I got an email this morning suggesting I go visit Hawaii. I like that suggestion...

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