Saturday, October 16, 2021

Chilly Wichita Bluff Walk With Linda Lou

Linda Lou, from Washington's Skagit Valley, hiked the Wichita Bluffs with me this 3rd Saturday of the 2021 version of October.

The outer world got near freezing last night. Well, within 10 degrees of freezing. So, I was in sweatpants and long sleeved t-shirt for the hiking today.

We were not more than a minute of the hiking today when we came across what looked like a homeless camp. This was seen shortly after walking under the west entry arch into the Wichita Bluff Nature Area.

Upon further examination it was determined this was part of a photographer's set up, because we saw a photographer photographing a couple of people behind that green tree you see on the right.

And the photographer was asked if that was his pile of stuff on the other side of the tree. With "yes" being the answer.

The Instant Pot just beeped indicating it has completing pressure cooking today's lunch...

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