Sunday, October 17, 2021

Sunday Communing With Nature & Disc Golfers At Lucy Park

As you can clearly see I am getting way better at taking selfie photos with my phone.

The wispy clouds above me were wisping above Lucy Park this Sunday morning.

Dozens of disc golfers were spinning frisbees into wire traps. 

I don't see why disc golfing is so popular. I also don't see why regular golfing is so popular. 

If forced to choose one I think I would go with disc golfing.

Throwing a frisbee at a target looks like more fun than hitting a little ball with a stick trying to get the little ball into a little hole in the ground.

I have been talked into golfing a couple times. It was a slow torture.

We are past the middle of October and the leaves in the trees are still green.

I would have thought some disc golfers would have shown up in the above photo. There was a large group to the left, another to the right.

And soon after I took the above photo a solo disc golfer was wandering from one group to the next asking if they'd found a phone on the fairway. When he asked me that question I said I don't know where the fairway is. And I have seen no phone.

I think I will go on a bike ride this afternoon. Yesterday's bike ride I cut short because I was wearing shorts and got too cold. Today's walk around Lucy Park was in sweat pants and long sleeved t-shirt.

Seems like only yesterday the outer world at my location was heated into the 90s. Last night got down to the chilly low 40s.

This bodes ill for the coming winter. I don't think Texas has fixed its power grid...

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