Friday, October 15, 2021

Is Fort Worth Grand Jury Investigating A Local Racketeer Influenced Corrupt Organization?

Outrage over the Tarrant Regional Water District payoff to former TRWD Executive Director, Jim Oliver, has opened a can of worms that has long been in dire need of being opened.

A Grand Jury investigation is underway.

Maybe this will finally lead to a RICO investigation. (Racketeer Influenced & Corrupt Organizations)

Apparently at the latest TRWD board meeting it became apparent that some of the board members have no understanding of even the simple type of corruption known as nepotism.

Fort Worth's new actual real news source of the investigative journalism sort, Fort Worth Report reported on the TRWD Grand Jury Investigation in Grand Jury Investigating Tarrant water district.

Having a real news source in town seems to have motivated the Fort Worth Star-Telegram to act more like a real newspaper.

The above is a screen cap from the front page of the online version of the Fort Worth Star-Telegram with a link to an article about the TRWD Grand Jury investigation titled Grand jury investigating Tarrant Regional Water District after complaint about settlement.

It will be interesting to see where this Grand Jury investigation goes...

1 comment:

  1. It is about time people start looking at where our tax dollars are spent and why... For years the TRWD has conducted questionable business behind closed doors. A Forensic Audit is something that must be done by a 3rd party entity who is completely unaffiliated with the TRWD, with no relation to any of the board members or their "significant" others. This needed to happen 5 years ago.

    The WDAP (Water District Accountability Project) is doing good work causing a ruckus and digging to get to the truth while exposing those who seek personal gain.
