Thursday, August 12, 2021

Phone Call From Theo With David & Ruby Along With Hank Frank & Grandpa Jake

Yesterday, in the early evening, my phone lit up with what you see here.

Incoming call from my Favorite Nephew Theo.

I soon found myself on speaker phone talking to Theo and my Favorite Nephew David and Favorite, One and Only Niece, Ruby.

The Tacoma Trio was calling on Theo's phone to sing Happy Birthday to me.

It had been some time since I had talked to Theo, David and Ruby.

They all sounded so much older.

Particularly David.

When I was asked what I was doing for my birthday I said I was having Canadian Bacon/Pineapple pizza, and I asked if they wanted to come have a slice or two.

To which David replied, "To do such would require some sort of time traveling machine which I do not believe has been invented as yet".

David becomes a teenager next month, on 9/11.

Several hours later I was horizontal. After about an hour of being in that condition my phone made its incoming text message noise. I decided to get back vertical and check the message and found that which you see below, sent by my Favorite Nephew Joey's phone...

The text with the photo said "Papa Jake and Henry wishing you a Happy Birthday".

Papa Jake is what Hank Frank calls his Grandpa, who is also my little brother, Jake.

Looking at this photo it looks like Hank Frank is taking Papa Jake on a hike through Henry's Apple Orchard.

And are posing in front of a sign using the Dutch spelling of Jones...

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