Thursday, August 12, 2021

Melting Mount Rainier Update From Miss Chris With Melting Mount Baker From Linda Lou

That above showed up this afternoon on Facebook, from Miss Chris of Kent. Not the Kent in England, the Kent in Washington, a Seattle suburb which has a closeup view of Rainier when the mountain is out.

I now have a photo of one of Washington's other volcanoes, Mount Baker. I had been waiting for Linda Lou to take a photo of Mount Baker from the Skagit Valley perspective.

Today Linda Lou sent me a photo of Mount Baker. But, it is from way back in June, two melting months ago. And the photo is from the Bellingham Herald, with the perspective not being from the Skagit Valley, but from the view one sees further north when one looks east to the Cascades.

In the above photo from last June, Mount Baker still looks like it has a lot of snow and ice left to melt.

Maybe after this week's new heat wave someone will photo document what Mount Baker is looking like from the Skagit Valley perspective...

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