Thursday, August 12, 2021

Washington's Lifelong Miss Chris Has Never Seen Mount Rainier So Bare


Above, a screen cap from last night from Facebook, where Miss Chris, lifelong Washingtonian, is lamenting she has never seen Mount Rainier as bare as it is right now.

A follow up commenter commented that the same is true of Mount Baker. 

We are eagerly awaiting Linda Lou's photo documentation of the current state of Mount Baker.

Another person commented that Mount St. Helens is even worse. I was not aware that Mount St. Helens was back sporting a white coat after she blew her top way back in the 1980s.

All the west coast volcanoes are being seen in a way no one has seen them before, or so it seems.

The Pacific Northwest, particularly Western Washington, is currently threatened with another record breaking heat wave, of the same super HOT sort which scorched in June.

Meanwhile I am getting a new air conditioner installed today, or tomorrow...

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