Thursday, February 11, 2021

Where In The PNW Has Raven Taken David, Theo & Ruby?

Text message on my phone last night with three photos. Text with the first photo, the one you see above, "Where in the PNW are David, Theo & Ruby?"

And then the second photo...

With the text "Hint #2, their favorite part of any getaway."

Followed by the third hint...

"Hint #3, your niece and nephews dreaming big."

The last time the Tacoma Trio presented me with this type mystery I was able to figure out they were at Larrabee State Park. I thought the bay and rocks looked familiar and a little Googling confirmed the location with matching scenery.

But this time I think I need more hints. My first thought was they were at Roche Harbor on San Juan Island. That is a big resort area with a big marina with docks. But, the scenery in photo hint #1 did not look like what one might see at Roche Harbor.

That first photo hint had me thinking they were somewhere on Hood Canal, which is a short distance north of their Harstine Island cabin. But, I don't remember any long dock such as we see above, anywhere on Hood Canal.

Then again, I have not seen Hood Canal since 2005, and at that point in time I only went a short distance north on Hood Canal, to Hoodsport.

Perhaps some new hints will arrive today...

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