Thursday, February 11, 2021

Get Well Miss Beth

A month or so ago Miss Beth was hospitalized at United General Hospital. That hospital is located halfway between my old home town of Burlington, and the town a few miles upriver from Burlington, called Sedro Woolley.

Miss Beth and I were born in the same hospital in Eugene, Oregon, with Miss Beth hatching a year before I did. 

When Miss Beth was hospitalized a month or so ago she was exposed to COVID-19. Upon release from the hospital she was put on quarantine. During the quarantine her exposure to COVID became a full blown Coronavirus attack. Soon passed on to her husband.

During the course of fighting the virus, Miss Beth has had good days and way worse days. The way worse days have become way worse.

Miss Beth is back in the hospital due to having trouble breathing.

I hope she does not have to be put on a ventilator.

I am looking forward to seeing Miss Beth next summer. There has been talk of having a making raspberry almond tarts party, using my mom's recipe, which Miss Beth thought she also had, via my mom giving it to her mom.

I am not much of a fan of that sending thoughts and prayers thing. It always sounds so superficial to me. But, if I was a fan of such, I would be sending thoughts and prayers to Miss Beth. 

Well, now that you are causing me to think about it, I am sending thoughts to Miss Beth, lots of them. The prayer thing, not so much...

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