Monday, February 8, 2021

Miss Tessie Takes Us To Washington's Deception Pass Bridge Over Actual Water


I saw that which you see above last night on Facebook, via Miss Tessie, she being the well known Dancing Queen of Northern California, formerly of my old home zone of the Skagit Valley, where she helped grow the valley's best strawberries.

I have made mention of that bridge you see above, previously, when verbalizing amazement regarding the Texas town of Fort Worth's difficulty in building three simple little bridges over dry land. Construction of which began way back in 2014, with a then astonishing four year project timeline. Still unfinished in 2021.

The Deception Pass Bridge was not built over dry land. It was built over deep saltwater, two passes connecting two tidal zones. Thus when there is a big differential in tides this can create swift moving water of a sort so treacherous boats can not power through it.

Deception Pass Bridge construction began in August 1934, and the completed bridge was dedicated at noon on July 31, 1935. Unlike those hapless, pitiful Fort Worth bridges, being built to connect the Fort Worth mainland to an imaginary island, the Deception Pass Bridge was built to connect an actual island (Fidalgo Island) to another island (Whidbey Island), with a third island (Pass Island), between the two bigger islands, which makes Deception Pass Bridge two separate spans, with one span crossing Canoe Pass from Fidalgo Island to Pass Island, with the second span crossing Deception Pass to connect Pass Island to Whidbey Island.

With those three simple little bridges stuck in slow motion construction in Fort Worth there is no water spanned. Like was already mentioned these are being built over dry land. Basically unneeded bridges to nowhere which for some reason has those behind the ridiculous scheme totally perplexed as to why Fort Worth can not seem to secure federal funding for their ill begotten Boondoggle.  

Eventually, if the bridges are ever finished, and if funding can be found, a cement lined ditch will be dug under the three bridges, with water diverted from the Trinity River into the ditch, thus creating the afore referenced imaginary island.

The Fort Worth locals seem numb to the dumb ridiculousness, apparently due to having seen so much such stuff during their years of being Fort Worth locals. So numb to the ridiculousness they can not comprehend how absurd the island making scheme seems to anyone who has lived in a more modern area of America, or Texas. 

Could something as absurd as the Trinity River Central City Uptown Panther Island District Vision happen in Austin? In Houston? In San Antonio? In El Paso?

Dallas has its own Trinity River Vision, which has at least managed to build two actual cool looking, skyline changing bridges over the actual water of the Trinity River.

So perplexing. And again, I repeat, the Deception Pass Bridge was built in less than a year, almost a century ago, over actual deep, swift moving water...

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