Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Hiking The Dry Falls Of Wichita Falls

Today marks the second time I have successfully used the un-patented Elsie Hotpepper Selfie phone app. I was at the location you see photo documented above due to dropping off a patient at a clinic on the north side of Highway 287. South of that location is the Falls of Wichita Falls, so I walked the Circle Trail under Highway 287, which quickly takes one to the location of the Falls which Wichita Falls is not named after.

Several days ago whilst driving south from nearby Oklahoma I noticed the Falls of Wichita Falls were currently in Dry Falls mode.

Such was still the case today.

It seems, to me, just a bit ironic, that a fake falls built so the locals could finally have an answer for incoming visitors who ask where is the location of the falls this town is named after, that this falls is turned off, and into a dry falls, for long lengths of time.

This seems to happen frequently.

Thus seeming to negate the purpose of having a fake falls to point to when someone asks where are the Falls of Wichita Falls.

One would think that it might have been worth it to make the original design such that the falls falling was not dependent on factors, such as the Wichita River into which the falls falls, running a bit high and dirty, necessitating turning off the Falls..

Anyway, I had myself a mighty fine brisk chilly walk today in the zone of the Wichita Falls Dry Falls.

 Above you are looking at the bricked serpentine trail switchbacking to the summit of the currently dry Falls at Wichita Falls.

And here we are are at the summit of those currently dry falls, looking north, at the traffic on Highway 287 with people in vehicles driving by wondering why no water falls from Wichita Falls...

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