Saturday, January 9, 2021

Successfully Using Elsie Hotpepper Selfie Style App At Sikes Lake Before Seattle Seahawks Football

What you see above is me looking at my phone, with Sikes Lake behind me.

I used the newly installed Elsie Hotpepper Selfie Style app to take this photo.

I was sent the beta test version of this app to see if I liked how it worked, and if I could even get it to work.

I do not know if or when this will be available on Google Play, or other app providers.

The photo was taken during yesterday's walk around Sikes Lake. At that point in time the temperature was well above freezing, but still quite chilling.

Right now, a couple hours before noon on this second Saturday of the new year, the temperature is below freezing.

I do not yet know if I will be getting any salubrious endorphin inducing aerobic activity today. 

I am scheduled to watch the Seattle Seahawks beat the Los Angeles Ram this afternoon on their way to winning another Super Bowl. The football viewing party will include lasagna and fried chicken.

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