Thursday, January 14, 2021

Dodging Flying Acorns In Lucy Park Naked Tree Forest


So far almost every day of this new year brings a new experience I had not previously experienced.

Yesterday's new experience was driving a patient to a clinic for a colonoscopy. That new experience began only a couple hours past midnight.

This morning's new experience came after delivering that same patient to another clinic for another procedure. 

Since the patient delivery location was in the neighborhood of Lucy Park I thought I might be able to have myself a mighty fine time communing with nature and the forest of Lucy Park's naked trees.

A section of the Lucy Park forest of naked trees is what you see photo documented above.

Any leaf which remained stuck on a Lucy Park tree was removed by the time I arrived today, due to the strong wind gusting over 40 miles per hour. Over and over again.

The high velocity wind made for a fun walk, dodging various natural items flying at high velocity.

And thus, yet one more new experience. Dodging flying acorns, among other foliage related airborne material.

I think the Lucy Park forest of naked trees might possibly be the most scenic thing to see in this town in which I am temporarily located. In a couple months all those trees will again get dressed, turning the currently naked forest into a lush looking jungle.

I prefer the Lucy Park forest when it is not in jungle mode.

I wonder what exciting new experience I will be experiencing next? I await it with eager anticipation...

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