Thursday, May 2, 2013

Betsy Price Should Think Twice Before Joining A Floundering Local Water Protection Team About To Get Flushed

The score  is now 4 to 2 in the TRWD Board Election Mailer War.

The TRWD Opponents to the TRWD Incumbents have mailed 4 legitimate campaign mailers, while the TRWD Incumbents have mailed 1 bogus campaign mailer disguised as a Board Report, and a seemingly legitimate campaign mailer from the TRWD Incumbents, which showed up in my mailbox this morning.

Unlike the TRWD Incumbent's previous illegit campaign mailer the new one clearly states "Political advertising paid for by CLEAN WATER COMMITTEE."

I have never heard of the CLEAN WATER COMMITTEE, have you? Is Captain Clean on the CLEAN WATER COMMITTEE?

This first legit TRWD Incumbent mailer of the campaign headlines Fort Worth Mayor Betsy Price's recommendations for "OUR LOCAL WATER PROTECTION TEAM."

In other words, the Incumbents.

The mailer notes that the TRWD Incumbents have been endorsed by the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, with the Star-Telegram opining that "they have led the way in planning a system of lakes and pipelines to serve local and regional water needs for the next 50 years."


I thought one of the TRWD water problems was that Fort Worth and its surrounding area is predicted to have some upcoming water woes, to the extent that the TRWD has been engaged into trying to finagle Oklahoma out of some of its water.

Among the propaganda tidbits on the TRWD Incumbent Mailer is an item in the upper right of the side of the mailer you see on the left.

Under the heading "TARRANT REGIONAL WATER  DISTRICT PROVIDES..." is a list of 4, detailing what the TRWD Incumbents want us to believe they provide....

1. A safe, reliable supply of water to meet the current and future needs of our families and businesses. 
2. An extremely effective and extensive flood control system that protects our homes and property.
3. Extensive water conservation efforts that protect our environment and water supplies for future generations.
4. Wise and conservative stewardship of our tax dollars.

Let's take a look at #2 on this list. The TRWD is in cahoots with the Trinity River Vision Boondoggle to take down Trinity River levees that you in the rest of America helped pay for over a half century ago. This sort of segues to #4 on the list.

Conservative stewardship of our tax dollars? Spending tax dollars to build an unneeded flood diversion channel that will be needed when the already paid for, functioning perfect, levees are removed? If that is wise stewardship of our tax dollars I can not imagine what un-wise stewardship of our tax dollars would look like.  Maybe un-wise stewardship of our tax dollars would be something like a small public agency using public funds to buy a helicopter to use on duck hunting sorties.

In #3 the TRWD makes the claim that their efforts protect our water supplies for future generations. How many million gallons of water has the TRWD sold the Barnett Shale Natural Gas Drillers? How many millions of those gallons of water have been chemically contaminated by the fracking process, then injected into underground structures, endangering aquifers?

Back to #2 and the TRWD's claim to have provided an effective flood control system. Ever heard of Haltom City? That town is in the Tarrant Regional Water District. A creek or two runs through Haltom City. Ever heard of Fossil Creek?

People have died in Haltom City flash floods. Booming development in north Tarrant County covered a lot of land with impermeable material, like asphalt. Nothing was done to help mitigate the resulting increase in water flow. Hence the Haltom City flash floods.

While the TRWD focuses its attention on the Trinity River Vision and its unneeded flood control alterations, the flood dangers that come with heavy rain, in Haltom City, have received little attention.

The TRWD brags about a flood control system that protects our homes and property. Apparently that claim should be amended to being a flood control system that protects our homes and property if you live in an area of the Tarrant Regional Water District that the Water Board deems worthy of their attention.

I am almost 100% certain I will be ignoring the advice of Betsy Price and the Star-Telegram and will instead be  voting for Basham, Nold and Kelleher, in the hope that a minor revolution is about to flush over the TRVD

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