Friday, May 3, 2013

A 38 Degree First Friday Of May Arctic Blast Swim In Texas With Incoming Propaganda

As you can see, via a screencap of the info from my computer based weather monitoring device, the predicted Arctic Blast of record breaking cold arrived on schedule.

However, the predicted precipitation did not precipitate, at least at my location.

I thought it likely swimming would not be doable this morning.

I thought wrong.

The water in the pool was way less cool than the temperature of the air. So, I had myself a real  fine time swimming in the chill this morning. I did end the swim with a hot tub bout just to make sure I did not have a shivering bout due to my numbed temperature monitoring nerves no longer giving reliable feedback.

Speaking of nerves.

I checked my mailbox this morning to find incoming propaganda from Marty Leonard. Marty Leonard is a pearl clutching dowager heiress who is one of the Tarrant Regional Water District Board Members not up for election on May 11.

I also found a new mailer in my mailbox from Captain Clean and the BNK TRWD Flushers.

I have scanned Captain Clean's latest mailer and Marty Leonard's letter to her "Dear Friends." I must ponder the apparent hubris of an entitled heiress for a moment or two and then do some blogging...

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