Thursday, May 2, 2013

An Early May Arctic Blast Makes For A Chilly Texas

Supposedly when the Arctic Blast makes its predicted arrival in the D/FW zone we will know it has arrived because the temperature will drop 15 - 20 degrees in about a half an hour.

20 degrees colder than the current temperature would be 28 degrees, if my math is correct.

Freezing in May?

When is that much promised Global Warming ever going to arrive?

I remember way back in May of 2000 I had driven up to Washington to attend a funeral. On the way back to Texas, in Cheyenne, Wyoming, I was quite surprised to learn I could travel no further south due to the freeway being closed due to snow. One could not head south, east or west from Cheyenne. This had the motels getting full. I got the next to last room at a Super 8.

I doubt we will be getting any snow in Texas from this Arctic Blast.

This morning whilst in the pool a very light drizzle precipitated. And speaking of the pool. The pool was way less cool than the air, so much so that the temperature differential created the illusion that the pool was heated.

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