Saturday, October 20, 2012

Pedaling The Gateway Park Mountain Bike Trail Concerned About Official Square Dancing In Washington

What you are looking at in the picture is my handlebars atop a steep drop off, also known as a cliff, above a green body of very slowly moving water called the Trinity River.

I pedaled the Gateway Park FWMBA mountain bike trail for my Saturday salubrious endorphin inducing aerobic stimulation, before going to Town Talk, next door to Gateway Park.

Soon after the sun arrived, this morning, I got my first endorphin boost of the day via a long swim in very pleasantly temperatured water, water that was just slightly warmer than the air.

Last night, at some point real early this morning, my slumber chamber had chilled to the point that a blanket was required for additional slumbering. I don't think tonight there will be a similar chill level because currently the temperature is 83 midway through the afternoon.

Yesterday, in a blogging titled Running River Legacy Park Mountain Bike Trails With An Armadillo I mentioned that the Armadillo is the Official State Small Mammal of Texas. In that blogging I wondered if my old home state of Washington had any official this, that or the other thing, further wondering if the Orca was the Official Mammal of the State of Washington.

Well, one of my fellow Washingtonians in exile in Texas, Steve A, made a couple amusing comments, one of which informed me that the Orca is the Official Marine Mammal of Washington.

And that the Square Dance is Washington's Official Dance.

Square Dance? The Official Dance of Washington? That is just disturbing.

So disturbing I need to walk away from the computer and go feed a Puerto Rican's hungry fat cat.

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