Sunday, October 21, 2012

Today The Fort Worth Space Needle Looked Like It Was Falling On Me & A Field Of Tandy Hills Broken Glass

That is the Fort Worth Space Needle high atop the summit of Mount Tandy you are looking at in the picture.

Today when I looked up at the Space Needle the clouds being blown fast past the Needle creating the illusion that the tower was falling towards me. This caused a very strong vertigo dizzy type reaction to my sense of balance.

Those of you who are familiar with Space Needles in other towns in America who are wondering if there is a revolving restaurant and observation deck at the top of the Fort Worth Space Needle.

Well, the answer to that question is no.

There no elevator to the top of the Fort Worth Space Needle. There is a ladder that reaches the top and I have seen a human climb all the way to the top of the Fort Worth Space Needle. Looking at that also made me dizzy.

According to the local air environment reports there are a lot of allergens blowing in the North Texas breeze, making for conditions where asthma sufferers may be doing some heavy duty suffering. I have not made note of any increased problem with my respiratory system. When I read that the allergen level had gone real high I was a bit concerned I was in for a repeat of my recent bout of allergic misery.

A couple weeks ago I came upon a red branched bush in the Village Creek Natural Historical Area that had me wondering why I'd not noticed it before. Today, whilst hiking one of the Tandy Hills' trails, that I've hiked too many times to count, I came upon a large field of broken glass just a few feet off the trail.

That is the field of broken glass you see above. How is it I never noticed this before? All the broken  glass did not look as if it were a recent arrival to the Tandy Hills

I am really beginning to think I am not a very observant wanderer.

Swimming was very pleasant early this morning. It was so warm last night that in the middle of the night I turned on the A/C. A warm night made for a sort of warm pool.

Midway through this next to last Sunday of October it is 85 degrees with the humidity making it really feel like 89. Methinks I shall go for a rare Sunday afternoon swim and try and work on my exercise deficit.

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