Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Google Has Altered My Profile Photo To Accurately Reflect How Fat I Am

I know Google is technologically innovative to a level that is almost spooky.

But, methinks the latest Google innovation, that I have made note of, has gone too far.

In the column to the right you see my original Google Profile Photo. That photo was taken years ago, back when I was skinny.

Somehow Google figured out that I am no longer skinny and so Google altered the Profile Photo to be more accurate when one views my Google profile.

If you click on "View My Complete Profile," on the right, you will see the same Google altered photo that you see above.

I am sort of embarrassed to have my fatness revealed in this manner, but, the fat bottom line is, it was I who ate all those gallons of heavily buttered popcorn, so I guess I have to willingly accept having Google display a more accurate profile photo of me.

This may cause me to go on a diet.

1 comment:

  1. I hear that cable channel is interested in revamping and casting for "Little Durango, Big World."
