Wednesday, December 14, 2011

In Texas Observing Three Generations Of Pacific Northwest Train Fanatics

In the picture you are looking at one of the Pacific Northwest's best selling authors, Martin Burwash, on the left, with his dad next to him and son, Seth, on the right, near the town of Lombard, in the state of Montana.

Martin is married to one of my best friends, dating all the way back, decades ago, to high school.

I am not sure, because my Adult Attention Deficit Disorder causes me to remember things incorrectly, but I believe Seth is about to be a baby daddy, making Martin a grandpa. I could be wrong about this, so don't go repeating what I say. I'm not a reliable source.

Martin's best selling historical novel is called Vis Major. I read somewhere that "Vis Major has received glowing reviews and is climbing the Best Seller lists. It's been reported that Burwash has been negotiating for screen rights to Vis Major, with Brad Pitt playing Burwash as the story's narrator."

Vis Major is about the Wellington Train Disaster, way back early in the previous century. A train disaster in the Stevens Pass zone of Washington's Cascade Mountains. One of the worst train disasters in history.

On Facebook Martin regularly posts black and white photos, that he has taken and then developed in his secret darkroom, of trains rolling across various tracks in the Pacific Northwest.

I have long wondered from whence Martin's rather extreme interest in trains came.

This morning, via Martin's blog, I got the answer, in a rather charming blogging titled "Three Generations."

I do not know what the current status is of Vis Major: the Movie. I do know that Martin told me that he preferred to be played by Sam Elliot, not Brad Pitt. I see Meryl Streep as Martin's wife in the movie. Or Jennifer Anniston. Or maybe Kim Kardashian.

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