Wednesday, December 14, 2011

In The Middle Of The Morning Of The Middle Of The Last Month Of The Year It Is 75 Degrees At My Location In Texas

It is not yet 10 in the morning at my location. I looked up at my computer temperature monitoring device to see the device indicating it was currently 75 degrees in the outer world.

This seemed unlikely to me.

So, I stepped outside to be greeted with some wind, some rain and some of what felt like slightly warm air.

Methinks, with these suddenly balmy temperatures that that lightning strike in the weather graphic likely accurately represents what may be happening soon.

Due to figuring that the 24 hour temperature average had been 60 or above, I did get in the pool this morning.

Getting in the pool this morning did not go well. I ran from the shallow end to the deep. Swam, paddling and kicking hard for, maybe, 20 seconds, before deciding that I think I need at least 5 days averaging 60 degrees or above to make the pool doable.

Apparently I need to lard on even more fat to give myself a sufficient layer of insulative adipose tissue to make swimming comfortable during this cool time of the year.

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