Wednesday, December 7, 2011

A Freezing December Morning That Will Live In Infamy With A Japanese Attack Among Other Outrages In Texas

I'm looking out the very frosty view from my primary viewing portal on the outer world on a day that will live in infamy, December 7, 2011.

This day will live in infamy because it was the day I was shocked to read the usually mild-mannered Don Young cursing like a drunken sailor on shore leave, dropping F-Bombs in a comment in FW Weekly regarding something to do, I think, with a Happy Hour at a Fort Worth called restaurant called ZIOs.

This day also lives on in infamy due to another bombing. It is 70 years ago this morning that the Japanese went into hyper aggressive mode with a sneak attack on Pearl Harbor.

I remember December 7, 1941 like it was yesterday. Listening to the radio with the music suddenly interrupted with the shocking news. And then realizing that America was now in what was to become known as World War II.

The only thing in my lifetime that comes close, shock-wise, to Pearl Harbor Day, was the morning John F. Kennedy was assassinated. And the morning of September 11, 2001. Both Pearl Harbor Day and 9/11 led America into wars. JFK getting killed did not. Unless one thinks had he lived the Vietnam War would not have happened in the way it did.

Changing the subject from acts of bad behavior to my favorite subject.

It is only 23 degrees this morning in the outer world. One more day with it being too cold to swim.

Without my daily swim I am quickly putting on weight. Yesterday I reached a new high of 217. That is pounds, not kilograms. If I keep this up I will have a thick enough layer of insulating adipose tissue that I will be able to go swimming in icy water and not feel it.

Changing the subject from me getting fatter to Elsie Hotpepper.

I heard from Ms. Hotpepper last night. She is denying having 4 dogs. Claims to have only 2, admits one of them is anti-social, but other than the anti-social one having a tendency to bite random humans, both dogs are otherwise "good doggies," to use Elsie Hotpepper's verbiage.


  1. Watching Zio Carlo's flameout in real time was a fascinating lesson in the perils of social media.

  2.'re saying you are fat and old?

  3. Yes, Anonymous, that is what I am saying, but I would have worded it old and fat, not fat and old.

  4. OK, old and fat...a good ol' fat Washington boy.

  5. Two World Series ago, did you stand outside the Ballpark and talk with someone about starting a blog?

  6. Anonymous, If you are talking about the Ballpark in Arlington, I have only been to one baseball game there, way back in 2002. I have never stood outside the Ballpark talking to someone about starting a blog. Why do you ask, I can't help but wonder?

  7. Well, I was there but had no ticket...was taking photos...and some guy walked over to me and chatted for quite some time with me. It was dark. He was wearing a cap. I didn't really get a good look at him, but it could have been you as far as I can recall physical features. He brought up topics you might have brought up. That's why I asked. But I always assumed it was a Homeland Security sort of guy. I was just challenging my assumption by asking you.

  8. Anonymous, my memory has holes in it at times. There is a chance, I guess, this could have been me. I do remember being in that zone taking pics of the Cowboys stadium and a lady who had been photo documenting the stadium building process recognized me which resulted in talking to her for awhile. But, I don't think I've been near those stadiums when a World Series is going on.

  9. No, this was not near the football stadium. It was outside the Ballpark. I think you would remember if it was you.

  10. Is itis just me or does itis seem that the Anonymous commenter is playing games with Durango, at best. And harassing / bullying the guy at worst.

    Does this creepy behavior have anything to do with the Anonymous with " akimbo" one and the events behind that "posture"??
