Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Walking 6 Dogs With The Indian Ghosts At Village Creek Natural Historic Area Today

Photo Evidence That I Have Gained Winter Weight
I don't believe the outer world at my location has been heated above freezing at any point in time, so far, today.

It is currently 31 degrees. With a 15 mph wind still making it feel like 19 degrees, the same temperature the wind made the air feel like when the sun had barely arrived this morning.

I walked with the extremely cold Indian Ghosts at Village Creek Natural Historical Area in Arlington today.

I was not alone walking with the extremely cold Indian Ghosts today, which sort of surprised me.

As you can see, via my reflection in the mirror that is strategically placed at a curve in the trail, so that nothing can surprise you, like a fast moving biker, or a ghost, I am in full anti-freeze garb. Multiple layers, including a wool cap covered by the hood of a hoody and the hood of a windbreaker on top of the hoody hood and the wool cap.

Lady Walking 6 Dogs
Even with all that outer wear, I still got cold.

I expected to see more water flowing through Village Creek today than I saw. I was totally prepared to find the park access closed due to high water, which often happens after we get rain to fall on this formerly parched part of the planet.

I saw 3 people walking dogs with the Indian Ghosts today. One of the dog walkers was a lady with 6 dogs on leashes.

When I walked past the 6 dogs on leashes I said to the lady, "That is a lot of dogs you've got there."

To which the dog lady said she had 7 more at home. Then she asked, "Well behaved, aren't they?"

"Yes, they are very nice doggies," said I.

13 dogs? Isn't that some sort of code violation? I don't care how well behaved they are. I would not like to live next to a house with 13 dogs.

Elsie Hotpepper has 4 dogs that I know of.

That also seems a bit nuts to me.

Mitigating the nuttiness, slightly, Elsie has a big backyard where the dogs have plenty of space to roam. But, they are such poorly behaved mutts, unlike those polite 6 dogs I saw walking with that lady at Village Creek today.

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