Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Looking At Split Rails In Quanah Parker Park While Watching Babies Fight And Having Trouble Talking To Elsie Hotpepper

These Rails Were Not Split By Abraham Lincoln
In the picture you are looking at a rail fence in Quanah Park Park, today around noon. The fence is there to help stop Quanah Parker Park goers from falling over a cliff into the not swift moving Trinity River.

While the real temperature was colder than yesterday's real temperature, it felt warmer today, because there was no wind blowing. I wore a jacket my sister got me when she got tired of me shivering in Tacoma the summer of 2008. Today I was soon carrying the jacket.

It is now a relatively balmy 44 in the outer world at my location.

Speaking of my sister in Tacoma, she sent me a cute, funny video of  my niece Ruby and her brother Theo, fighting. They are not yet one year old and already a sibling rivalry has arisen over who gets what toy to play with. I'm going to make a YouTube video of Ruby and Theo's fight, which will likely be available for viewing soon.

All day long Elsie Hotpepper has been calling and leaving me long messages. I called back after each of Elsie's 5 calls and each time I got Elsie's voice mail. Finally on the 6th callback Elsie answered. By then she'd forgotten the question she wanted to ask me.

Elsie told me her partner in semi-criminal acts, Beale, was concerned that I was seriously depressed over my lack of Christmas decorations, after I blogged about my one and only Christmas decoration. I was glad to learn that someone out there had some empathy for my sad plight.


  1. There, there ... your little stocking is plenty big for Santa to leave you a lump of coal.

    About which Chesapeake will be conflicted - so it's all good.

  2. They both get what they deserve, huh?
