Friday, November 4, 2011

Walking With The Ducks Of Fosdic Lake Today After Getting A Prescription From My Cat Doctor

Fosdic Fosducks Flocking At Fosdic Lake
A Quack of Fosducks went walking around Fosdic Lake with me today in Oakland Lake Park. Before the ducks decided to walk with me they were hunkered down together, trying to keep warm in the bitter cold.

I may have been slightly overdressed in long pants, long sleeves and a windbreaker, but only slightly.

If you look north on the paved trail in the picture you see what looks like a bush growing from the trail. It's not a bush. It is a big chunk of a fallen tree. I suspect the wind gusts of late knocked the tree over. I hope no Fosducks were underneath it when it fell.

A Fallen Tree Blocking The Way Around Fosdic Lake
Changing the subject from ducks to my ongoing woes. My cat doctor today prescribed Xanax for me so as to overcome my ongoing anxiety and possibly allow me to sleep without acting in epic dreams of cinematic proportions.

Yesterday the water in the Village Creek Blue Bayou was the clearest I've ever seen it. Today half of Fosdic Lake was real murky with the other half being the clearest I've ever seen it.

Half of Fosdic Lake looked the way Commencement Bay in Tacoma looks when a lot of glacial snow melt flows off Mount Rainier and into Puget Sound.

But there are no mountains with glaciers on them within 100s upon 100s of miles of Fosdic Lake, so I've no idea where the Fosdic Lake pseudo glacier melt came from.

I guess I need to head to a pharmacy now and get this prescription filled that I got from my cat doctor.

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