Friday, November 4, 2011

Up Late After The Nightmares Of Occupying Seattle & A Psycho Texas Judge

Via the view through the bars of my patio prison cell we can sort of tell the sun woke up this 4th morning of the next to last month of 2011 before I did.

I had myself a long night of bad dreams which will require some intensive pseudo-Freudian analysis as this first Friday of November  progresses as I attempt to recover from an exhausting night.

And, on top of all that misery, I think it froze last night. My temperature sources are telling me it is currently 33 degrees in my location. With that 33 degree temperature occurring after the sun has begun its daily heating duties.

Changing the subject from freezing to Occupying Seattle.

This morning in the Seattle Post-Intelligencer I read an article titled "The Occupy Wall Street protests are open heart surgery for the soul of America," with a reference to Texas that was on a protest sign of a Seattle Occupier that really did not make a lot of sense to me.

The protest sign said, “I’ll believe the corporations are people when Texas executes one.”

I have no idea what that means.

Meanwhile, in Texas, the Aransas County district attorney says that while, "We believe that there was a criminal offense involved and that there was substantial evidence to indicate that and under normal circumstances a charge could have been made,"  too much time has passed, with the statute of limitations running out on prosecuting Judge William Adams for beating his daughter Hillary to the shock of the world via a YouTube video which has gone viral with millions of views.

Changing the subject from crazy Texas judges back to the temperature.

Since the average temperature over the past 24 hours did not average 50 degrees or above, I am not going to attempt swimming this morning in my semi-icy pool.

Maybe tomorrow, with the current prediction seeming to indicate that by then the current 24 hour average will be 50 degrees or above.


  1. Try a low dosage Xanax at bedtime. When I inevitably wake up every couple of hours, I don't seem to be beset by the worrying and churning anxiety to which I otherwise seem to be prone and can go back to sleep. Don't know if it would affect nightmares.

    The sign refers to the Supreme Court ruling in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission ... and Romney's "corporations are people, too" flap.

    That judge's daughter seems to be something of a pill, but that's no excuse for his behavior. Dude should not be deciding abuse cases on others ... he needs to go.

  2. Thank you CatsPaw, I really had no clue what that person meant by that sign.
