Thursday, November 3, 2011

Getting Rejected For Not Being Allowed On The Way To Walk With The Village Creek Indian Ghosts

The Blue Bayou of Village Creek 
It was colder and windier than I anticipated it would be today when I entered the outer world to head to Village Creek Natural Historical Area to commune with nature and the ghosts of all the Indians who used to roam in the Village Creek zone.

I've never seen the water of the Village Creek Bayou be as clear as it was today. I've only seen this water being really murky.

Speaking of murky. On the way to Village Creek I stopped to get gas at Fast Trac. I swiped my card to be told that this particular card is not allowed. Or something like that. I've used this particular card at this particular location many times.

I decided to ignore the not allowed card problem and just drive on.

I finished my salubrious walking with the Indians and drove to Wal-Mart where my card worked fine. Then on the way back here I stopped at QT to get gas, fearing more card rejection. But, it was not rejected.

The Fast Trac card reader has had problems in the past. I'm assuming this was the case today.

Switching subjects to my favorite subject. The temperature. I was wrong, earlier, when I said the weather predictors predicted last night's temperature incorrectly. It's tonight that the predictions have us possibly freezing. I must learn to more closely pay attention to my weather forecasts.

Along with paying closer attention to my weather forecasts, I must pay closer attention to what month I am living in. This morning I suddenly realized I'd forgotten to wish my mom a happy birthday when I called on the 30th. Which means I woke up this morning thinking it is February, because my mom's birthday is January 30.

Not October 30.

It was about a full minute before I realized the month I am currently living in is November. Does anyone know what the symptoms are for early onslaught of Alzheimer's?

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