Saturday, November 5, 2011

Up With The Sun The First Saturday Of November After A Night Of Oklahoma Earthquakes Thinking About Andy Rooney

I'm looking through the bars of my patio prison cell at the arrival of the sun on the first Saturday of November, day 5, at an outer world chilled to 44 degrees in my location.

That means that that is likely a very cool pool that you see in the picture this morning. I don't know, yet, if me getting in the pool is in the picture this morning.

I did not take the Xanax anti-anxiety medication that my cat doctor prescribed for me.

Even without anti-anxiety medication I slept without any disturbing nightmares that I am able to remember.

I did think I felt the earth move a couple times last night. This may have been related to 3 earthquakes that shook central Oklahoma in the hours past midnight. A 4.7 magnitude quake started shaking at 2:12 am, epicentered about 6 miles north of Prague in southern Lincoln County, about 50 miles east of Oklahoma City.

Then a 3.4 magnitude aftershock shook at 2:27 am, followed by another aftershock shaking at 2:44 am, at 2.7 magnitude.

And in other earthshaking news, Andy Rooney has died at 92 years old, just a short while after he stopped doing his commentaries on 60 Minutes. I did not realize Andy Rooney was that old. Formerly living proof that a person can fire on all cylinders right til the end.

I think I am going to go for some shock therapy now in the form of submerging myself in very cold water.

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