Saturday, November 5, 2011

Sally Selling Seashells On The Fort Worth Tandy Hills Seashore While Daylight Savings Comes To An End

Years ago, when I was in speech therapy, in an attempt to cure my speech impediment, one thing sticks in my memory, that being having to learn to say "Sally sells seashells by the seashore" quickly, over and over again.

Sally selling seashells by the seashore came back to the forefront of my consciousness today while I was doing my regularly scheduled Saturday Tandy Hills hiking when I came upon an area of the hills upon which lay dozens upon dozens of what looked like seashells.

The nearest sea to the Tandy Hills is hundreds of miles away. All these shells laying about the Tandy Hills is yet one more perplexing mystery to add to the ever growing number of Tandy Hills perplexing mysteries.

I managed to go swimming this morning. I did not have a case of the shivers afterwards. This has me trying to remember at which temperature does getting in the pool cause me a cause of the shivers. It is currently 68 degrees at half past 3 in the afternoon. The low tonight is supposed to get in the 57 degree zone. Which means I will likely be pooling in the morning.

Tonight is the night we lose Daylight Savings Time, which means I will have more sun available in the morning to light my way to the cold water.


  1. "Land snail" doesn't have quite the cachet of "land shark."


    Perhaps you can identify your mystery shells with the help of The Mollusk Man:

  2. Do you all buy a seashells I probably got about $5,000 worth of from all over the world and I'm moving and I have no interest in them anymore but I mean have some of them were three $400 a piece
