Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Texas Judge William Adams Caught On Tape Beating 16 Year Old Daughter Hillary

Judge William Adams Beating His Daughter Hillary
I was peacefully minding my peaceful business, scrolling down through the slough of pithy sayings that seems to have contaminated Facebook like an Epidemic of Banal, when I came to a YouTube video Facebooked by Alma, the Songbird of the Texas Gulf Coast.

Alma wrote, "Wow...cannot believe what I'm seeing. You may want to see it before it gets taken down."

Alma's taste in what is interesting has few equals. And so I clicked to view the video.

I have seldom watched something so sickening. As I was watching I did not know that this particular horror took place in Texas.

7 years ago.

The victim, the 16 year old daughter, Hillary, of an Aransas County Court judge named William Adams, had a camera in position to record the crimes against her.

The beatings of the disabled girl, I forgot to mention she has ataxic cerebral palsy, continued. Finally Hillary had enough and put the video, you can watch below, on YouTube, where it has gone viral, with people all over the world now commenting, once more, about a bad thing that has happened in Texas.

Hillary told reporters that, "It had been happening before and had been escalating. I set up a camera, and I caught it. My father's harassment was getting really bad, so I decided to finally publish the video that I had been sitting for 7 years."

The beating Judge spoke to reporters and claimed the beating was "not as bad as it looks on tape."

Police in Rockport, Texas have begun an investigation after viewing the video that has caused them to be flooded with complaints.

I forgot to mention what prompted the beating of.16 year old disabled Hillary. She was caught downloading games from the Internet. If that gets a little girl a whipping from hell, what does the demented idiot who did the whipping deserve? Methinks the electric chair would be too lenient.

Below are some comments and then the video. WARNING: The video is very disturbing.

"We were made aware of the video last night and it has been assigned to our criminal investigation division. An investigation is ongoing at this time," Rockport Police Chief Tim Jayroe told The Huffington Post.

The beating judge's wife, who also takes part in the beating in the video, has separated from the judge, claiming she was also abused.

Let me guess, he's a "good christian" too?? Why is this monster still on the bench? I hope he rots in jail and then rots in Hell.

Man, I hope they put this creep in prison.

Just to be clear to all the idiots here who think this is okay: Just because you had  hillbilly backwards parents who also beat you and you "turned out okay" doesn't make it okay. I get that the abused tend to think there is nothing wrong with the people who abused them, but don't trash this brave girl for doing what she did. This man is in no position to raise children or administer justice.

These discipline tools created by wonderful psychologist, psychotherapist, behaviorist, the rapist you know, "The Experts" then enforced by law enforcement using the same behavioral methods on parents, simply to keep order and to make sure everyone follows behaviorist psychologist strict guidelines. This method will stand the test of time. Yes it does mirror our adult judicial system but it is simply a new cultural code preparing children for a brave new world beyond freedom & dignity.

Dear Hillary, I am so sorry this happened to you. You are certainly correct.. this so called man is not fit to be on the bench and should never hold public office again. God bless you and I hope you are doing ok now.

How many belt whips does it take to satisfy a person she's been punished? Holy cat. I think this punishment was far too harsh for the crime, and the words he used were even more hurtful. He seemed to enjoy causing her pain. He doesn't seem to have any inkling about how to solve problems, and obviously is ignorant about what's causing them. Computers don't cause problems. People do.


  1. As interesting as any of the news reports is the statement released by the court:
    Ya think?

  2. The only thing creepier to me than beating children is beating children starting from that seemingly dispassionate, planned "here's what I'm going to do to you to teach you a lesson" place. I almost understand losing your shit in anger and acting on the spur of the moment more. Her mother's participation and assent is just as evil. What an effed up household.

  3. this is bullshit. you arent worty enough of being a father let alone to be a JUDGE. remember ONE thing, carma is the worst thing to come back on you. I hope it beats your ass like you did your own daughter.
