Wednesday, November 2, 2011

The Morning Of The 2nd Day Of November Is Heated To 28 Degrees Above Freezing In My Zone Of Texas

I am up well before the scheduled arrival of the sun, again, on this 2nd day of November. Even though the sun has not arrived to do its daily heating duties the outer world in my location is already a relatively balmy 60 degrees.

As you can see, in the picture, the pool appears to be particularly inviting this morning. No wind is blowing, No ripples on the water. I don't like my water rippling.

I heard from Elsie Hotpepper this morning. She had sort of gone missing again. This morning Ms. Hotpepper told me "You are always helpful."

Well, that is true. I am always helpful. Except when I'm not.

I don't know if I was being helpful when I called my mom yesterday to tell her I got gas on Sunday when mom and dad were at church. Did my mom really need to know how much the gas cost that I got on Sunday? I really don't see how that information was helpful.

I think I'll go swimming now and hope it helps my aching arm.

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