Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Coming Home To A Stormy Sky After Hiking The Tandy Hills With My Sister

I went hiking on the Tandy Hills today in my regular noon time frame. But I took no pictures because my hands were full, well, more precisely, I did not have a hand free to take a picture.

So, I took a picture of the late afternoon view through  the bars of my patio prison cell at what looks like a stormy sky.

My weather predictors are not being in sync. One has the low tonight being 35. Another has the low being one degree below freezing.

The reason I did not take a picture of the Tandy Hills today was because my Arizona-based sister rode with me from my abode to the top of Mount Tandy and then hiked the hills with me and finally quit visiting with me when I got to Town Talk.

Holding a phone to ones ear does not leave one with enough hands to take pictures.

Below you can see our current dire forecast for this part of the planet. I'm guessing I"m not going to feel like going swimming in the morning. This morning's swim, however, was quite pleasant.

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