Thursday, November 3, 2011

Looking Through A Frosty Window On The 3rd Day Of November Thinking About Rick Perry, Top Chef Texas, Rocknrolla Oklahoma & Rheumatism

Looking through my primary viewing portal on the outer world on the 3rd morning of November, you see a bit of frosty looking material on the window. But it is not frost because, despite at least one prediction that it would do so, it did not freeze overnight at my location in this parched part of the planet.

I believe the low in my zone was closer to 39 than 32.

This morning I saw I have yet one more follower on Twitter. I mention it because I liked the name. Rocknrolla Oklahoma.

It has been a couple years now and I still really don't get the point of Twitter.

Top Chef Texas started up last night on Bravo. I DVRed it, but have yet to watch. I'm guessing there will be a lot of Texas hilarity. The tagline for this season of Top Chef is "For the Good, the Bad & the Hungry."

Rick Perry was out in California yesterday where he was asked if he was drunk or on medication whilst giving a speech in New Hampshire which ended up on YouTube and has gone viral. Rick Perry denied being drunk, saying "No. I was just giving a speech."

I am not going swimming this morning. I had a hellacious night of hellacious nightmares and woke up with my joints aching. I've become Granny Clampett with the cold weather activating my rheumatism. Becoming elderly is not for the faint of heart is my mom's new favorite saying. Although she expresses this more succinctly, simply saying "Getting old is not easy."

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