Thursday, November 17, 2011

On The Tandy Hills At A Fork In The Trail Not Liking Google Changes & Other Things

This location on the Tandy Hills, with a fork in the trail, forcing a choice to be made as to which direction to go, was a perfect metaphor, today, for how I'm feeling.

As I get evermore elderly I find I don't like change. I also don't like to learn new things. I used to like change and learning new things.

Just a little thing changing can vex me these days. For instance Google has been "updating" what Google calls their products.

For a couple months now Google has been trying to get its AdSense users to switch to the new interface, telling users the new interface will be activated in mid-November. And so it was. On November 15. I don't like it. I was used to the old interface. I liked the old interface. The new interface faces you with way too much information.

Google is also updating the Google product I am using right now, the one Google calls Blogger. Right now I am looking at a message at the top of the screen that says, "Try the updated Blogger interface."

I tried the updated Blogger interface. It looks way different than the old Blogger interface. Eventually I was able to figure out the new Blogger interface, but I'm continuing to use the old Blogger interface til Google doesn't let me.

Changing the subject to my favorite one, the temperature.

I did not go swimming this morning. It is only 54 degrees, currently, at my location.

Changing the subject from the not hot temperature to Elsie Hotpepper, who has been being cryptic lately. For instance, minutes ago I got an email from Elsie Hotpeppr that said "I do not understand Lucy." Who is Lucy and why can't Elsie understand her, I sat here and wondered.

And then there is Beale who is unhappy with me because I said I thought his French girl friend was awful. In my defense I did not realize this was Beale's new girl friend when  I said I thought she was awful. I feel darn bad about this.

I have not heard from Betty Jo Bouvier at all this week. The last I heard from Betty Jo she told me she was heading to Seattle on, I think, Saturday. I do not know if Betty Jo made it back to the Skagit Valley from Seattle.

And then there is Carlotta Camano who has also gone missing. Usually Carlotta checks in with me regarding the Reality TV Shows we both watch. This week's Real Housewives of Beverly Hills was particularly comment worthy, as was Top Chef, with no commentary from Carlotta Camano.

I wish I was constitutionally able to take a nap and momentarily not think about anything vexing me. Sleep really is the only peace I get. And I get very little of it.

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