Thursday, November 17, 2011

On The 3rd Thursday Morning Of November The Redbird Provides Me Some Charity Clarity

The 3rd Thursday of the next to last month of 2011 has dawned frosty looking in the view from my primary viewing portal on the outer world.

It is currently 34 degrees at my location on this parched part of the planet.

I won't be going swimming this morning.

Yesterday I mentioned an email I got from Alma, the Songbird of the Texas Gulf Coast regarding various charity organizations like UNICEF and the Salvation Army and the supposed salary paid to the top official in those organizations.


I heard from The Redbird and someone calling him or herself Anonymous. Mr. or Ms. Anonymous pointed me to a Scopes article about this charity subject. Below is what The Redbird had to say...

The Redbird has left a new comment on your post "Alma The Songbird Of The Texas Gulf Coast Pointed ...": 

I totally agree with the spirit of Alma's letter and kudos for giving, but just fyi (because your know your blog kinda functions like news around these parts).... and and a bunch of other articles on the google. So that email should probably be amended to be factual. The truth doesn't hurt their appeal at all. 

What I got from The Redbirds's comment besides the charity info was the disturbing idea that my blog functions like news around these parts. If my blog functions as news I probably should pay closer attention to the veracity of that about which I blog.

Here's some news for you that I am certain is correct.

It is one week til Thanksgiving.

Here's some other news about which I am almost 100% certain I am correct about.

It is cold this morning. Barely above freezing.

If the weather predictors are correct in their prediction, by tomorrow the 24 hour temperature average will again be above 50 degrees, which is what I currently require to go swimming.

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