Friday, November 18, 2011

The Cold Morning Of The Third Friday Of November Thinking About Snow & Ferris Wheels

Looking through the bars of my patio prison cell the morning of the 3rd Friday of the next to last month of 2011 I can see the sky is clear, I can feel the wind is blowing.

And it is cold.

As in 41 degrees.

I don't know how warm it got yesterday so I don't know if the 24 hour temperature average meets my 50 degrees of above criteria that allows for getting in that turquoise body of water.

The most outrageous thing I read in the local news today was the story of a mom going to pick up her kid at a Fort Worth day care to be told that her daughter had been complaining of sore ears. When the mom looked at her kid's ears she saw they had been pierced and had earrings dangling from them. A day care assistant had pierced the kids ears.

Now, where this gets outrageous, to me, is the piercer was not immediately fired, the police did not treat the piercing as a crime and instead called in Child Protective Services to investigate the day care center.


Switching the subject from bizarre Fort Worth news to Western Washington news.

A slight chance of snow is in the forecast for the Puget Sound lowlands today. There is no slight chance of snow in the forecast today for the lowlands of my zone of Texas.

In other interesting news from Washington, a big Ferris Wheel with air-conditioned gondolas has been approved to be built on Pier 57 on the Seattle waterfront.

Pier 57 is the pier with the carousel, so a Ferris Wheel will fit in nicely. I believe the wheel will be at the end of the pier, likely sticking out over the water. If I remember right, Pier 57 is near the bottom of the Pike Place Hillclimb, near the aquarium.

I wonder if when the Trinity River Vision Boondoggle finally clears its vision if piers will be built out onto the little lake that is part of the vision? I doubt there will be any ferry boats taking people across the lake.

Below is a short YouTube video of Pier 57....

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