Friday, October 14, 2011

Looking For Armadillos, Wild Boars, Bobcats & Snakes Today In River Legacy Park In Arlington

River Legacy Trail Bridge Across Trinity River West Fork
I'd not been across the trail bridge across the West Fork of the Trinity River to the north side of River Legacy Park since last October. The month my bike was stolen.

I'd read that the Huffine's development, the name of which I can not remember (is it Veridian?) was back under construction. The development came to a halt during the economic meltdown of 2008.

It appeared that the Huffine's development was back being developed. I saw a lot of heavy equipment activity moving dirt.

The Great Texas Drought of 2011 seemed to have greatly diminished the undergrowth that grows under the HUGE old growth trees, along the river, making it so you could see deep into the woods. Thus no herds of armadillos, wild boars, bobcats or snakes could easily hide from view. Previously this had been a visually impenetrable jungle.

A River Legacy Sign With A Baby Bobcat
I saw no armadillos, wild boars, bobcats or snakes today. I wonder what effect the Great Texas Drought of 2011 has had on the population of armadillos, wild boars, bobcats and snakes?

I did see a new sign that has been added at the north side of the bridge. On that sign there is a picture of a bobcat cub.

On one May day of several years ago I was pedaling the River Legacy Park trail, on the north side of the river and I came upon 3 different sets of armadillo babies, out foraging with their moms.

The biggest snake I've seen in Texas was at River Legacy Park. It was sprawled across the paved trail. You'll see that snake if you go to my River Legacy Park webpage. You will also see photos of my previous bobcat encounters.

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