Friday, October 14, 2011

Hot Coffee On A Cold Morning With The Shadow Of The Asthmatic Skinny Dipping Thin Man

You can't see my cup of coffee steaming as I take a drink as I stand outside to survey the current weather conditions on this 14th morning of October, Thursday number 2.

It is 56 degrees this morning at my location. When the air gets conditioned to 50 or under is when going swimming gets a bit challenging.

I did not go swimming yesterday, or do any other endorphin producing aerobic activity. I will make up for that today.

Changing the subject from my failing health to Google. Yesterday Google announced higher than expected ad earnings. That same day my ad revenue from Google, from my blogs and websites, was the highest it has ever been.

Changing the subject back from Google to my failing health. The allergy woe I've been experiencing is really starting to get on my nerves. I have never been a fan of having my nasal passages plugged up. Or of having to squirt nasal spray in order to breathe easily. I've never had much of an allergy problem. Til lately.

I know the North Texas gas drilling zone has a far higher incidence level of kids having asthma problems than  parts of Texas where the air isn't being contaminated. But, I've not read of the asthma problem being worse for adults in this forsaken part of the planet.

I'm going swimming now and try and forget about my woeful woes.

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