Friday, October 14, 2011

Pat B. Wonders What Exactly Are J.D. Granger's Daily Responsibilities?

I got an email this morning from Pat B. asking me questions about the Trinity River Vision due to Pat B. being unable to find answers to questions via info searching.

Below is Pat. B.'s email....

Mr. Durango,

About six months ago my mind started wandering, as it often does, and I somehow became really interested in this TRV project. I have found it really difficult, even with extensive surfing of the net, to find much of any useful info and really not much info at all, considering the amount of money being spent. Several times during my searches I am led to your blog, which is helpful in that I find I am not the only person curious about what is going on with this project.

I wish I had known about the TRIP meeting at the Botanical Garden, because I would have loved to attend.

It seems strange to me that we are obtaining and demolishing properties to make room for some investor to build their restaurant or whatever there. Can you point me in the right direction to get my questions answered? 

I would especially like to know what work is being done presently, what with Kay Granger's earmarks drying up.

Also what exactly are J.D. Granger's daily responsibilities? We seem to be paying him a pretty hefty salary to organize tube parties in the nasty Trinity.

I grew up living on the shores of Lake Worth and spent many days in that mud hole and I still wouldn't put my pinkie toe in the Trinity. Sorry off subject. Seriously, I would like some answers, but can't seem to find out where to get them. 

Enjoy your blog BTW.

Thanks for your time,
Pat B.

Well, Pat B., I can sort of answer some of your questions.

I have no idea what J.D. Granger's responsibilities are, for which he is well paid. I do know they do not include appearing at public forums devoted to trying to understand what is being done to the Trinity River.

I don't believe any building was demolished to build Tim Love's new Woodshed restaurant. I don't even think it is on the land that encompasses the Trinity River Vision zone. I believe the Woodshed is upriver, on land controlled by the Tarrant Regional Water District. The TRWD oversees, or is part of, or is somehow involved with the Trinity River Vision. But, it must be a loose association, because TRWD board member, Jim Lane, was unable to convince J.D. Granger to join him on stage, on Wednesday, at the Trinity River Vision Discussion Forum.

If you drive Northside Drive between I-35 and Main Street you will see some of the Trinity River Vision Underway. And some parts of the project completed. Like the very important, very necessary Cowtown Wakeboard Park, referred to by some as the Cowtown Waterboard Park, for some torturous reason.

If you go here you will see some pictures I took on September 10, 2010 of what was going on then with the Trinity River Vision along Northside Drive.

If you go to Gateway Park by the Fort Woof Dog Park you will see some excellent Trinity River Vision signage explaining what the Trinity River Vision sees for Gateway Park.

The Trinity River Vision is quite good at signage. And brochures. The Trinity River Vision also has a well made website. I suspect you might not be able to find answers to many of your questions, though, on the Trinity River Vision website.

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