Friday, October 28, 2011

The Last Friday Of October With No World Series Win Yet For The Texas Rangers

Looking out my primary viewing portal on the world this last Friday of October it appears to be very very dark.

Being very very dark does not match my current Sammy Sunshine mood of feeling very very bright.

Even the sad news, this morning, that last night the Texas Rangers did not beat St. Louis in Game 6 of the World Series did not dampen my Sammy Sunshine mood.

If only those Texas Ranger had managed to score 2 more runs we'd be having ourselves a party tonight, maybe, in Arlington.

I don't know if the final game of the World Series is tonight, or not. I did not read too deep into the article about the World Series. I think maybe all I noticed was the headline that told me the Rangers lost.

Changing the subject from baseball to yesterday's BIG storm.

It was a dud. Only a few drops of water fell in my location. It was windy and cloudy all day and looked like at any moment a downpour might pour down. But, it never did.

Changing the subject from the weather to something else.

This morning when I logged into my Blogger account I was surprised to see that my blog post count was 3,999. Which makes this blog post you are reading right now number 4,000.

I think I'll go for my first really cold swim of the Fall now. I'll let you know how that works out.

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