Thursday, October 27, 2011

It Is Almost Halloween With Elsie Hotpepper Being A Real Witch

Witch Elsie Hotpepper
Elsie Hotpepper seemed to have gone a bit missing the past day or two.

During that gone a bit missing time frame I've gotten a couple very cryptic messages from Elsie Hotpepper that my computerized cryptic message decoder was unable to decode.

And then just a few minutes ago I got a message from Elsie Hotpepper that I was able to understand.

A  simple question asking if I liked her costume for Monday's Halloween Party.

I'm guessing, due to the pointy hat, that Elsie is being a witch on Halloween. Other than the hat the rest of the ensemble does not look too witch-like to me.

I don't think I have been invited to this Halloween Party that Elsie Hotpepper is turning into a witch for.

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