Friday, October 28, 2011

Fishing In Village Creek & The Blue Bayou Thinking About Going To Academy Sports Tonight To Get My Texas Rangers World Series Pennant Souvenirs

Grandpa & Grandkids Fishing In Village Creek
Swimming this morning went surprisingly well. The air at that point in time was chilled to around 45 degrees. The water was warmer than the air. Or so it felt.

Tonight it will get chillier, supposedly, if you trust the predictions of the weather gurus, who have issued a Frost Advisory. I guess this means I should put blankets over my palm trees.

I had not gone walking or hiking in a couple days, unless you count wandering for miles around the Fort Worth Stockyards as taking a walk.

Today I went to Village Creek Natural Historical Area and had myself a walk.

This Little Guy Was Hollering "Grandpa I Caught One."
When I reached the Village Creek Blue Bayou I came upon a Norman Rockwellan scene of a grandma and grandpa with a pair of grandkids, fishing in the bayou. Later I came upon them again, in the scene above, having taking their fishing operation out of the bayou, directly to Village Creek, fishing from the dam/bridge.

Earlier today I did not know if the final World Series games was tonight or not. I know now it is tonight.

I also now know that if the Texas Rangers win, no matter how late that win might happen, the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex zone Academy Sports stores will be re-opening so that thousands of rabid baseball fans can buy Texas Rangers World Series memorabilia.

I assume this winning World Series memorabilia will be baseball caps and t-shirts. And maybe bumper stickers? Who knows? What I do know for certain is I don't know where an Academy Sports store is, so I won't be rushing to one if the Rangers win the World Series.

Which I'm sure they will.

I may go to the celebration part that will likely take place at the Ballpark in Arlington, which is only a few miles east of my abode. I am almost 100% I have never been to a World Series winning celebration before.

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